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Migration Guide: Transitioning from Wave API to Orders API

1. Introduction

The Orders API is designed to complement and enhance the functionality provided by the Wave API. While both APIs will coexist, the Orders API introduces significant improvements in flexibility, feedback mechanisms, and streamlined workflows for order registration and management. This guide aims to help you transition to the Orders API by outlining key differences, advantages, and migration steps.

Migrating to the Orders API allows you to take advantage of the following enhancements:

  • Improved Authentication: Orders API uses an API Key for secure and streamlined access, replacing the x-bluedot-api-key header used in Wave API.
  • Enhanced Metadata Structure: Metadata is now split into hsFields (store staff visibility) and customEventMetaData (backend processing), improving flexibility and clarity.
  • Simplified Updates: Orders API eliminates the need for a userToken for modifications, allowing updates directly with the API Key.
  • Comprehensive Scheduling Support: Scheduling and partner pickup times are now handled more explicitly, with dedicated fields for better clarity and alignment.
  • Real-Time Feedback: The Orders API provides detailed feedback when requests cannot be processed, helping developers quickly identify and address issues.

2. Key Differences Between Wave API and Orders API

FeatureWave APIOrders API
AuthenticationRequires x-bluedot-api-key header (value is projectId).Requires an API Key provided in the Authorization header.
Order UpdatesRequires userToken for modifications.Directly updated using an API Key.
SchedulingHandled via hs_scheduledTimeForCollection in customEventMetaData.Handled via scheduledTimeForCollection field at the root level.
Partner Pickup TimeManaged via hs_partnerPickupTime in customEventMetaData.Managed via partnerPickupTime field at the root level and event type partnerOnTheWay
Metadata HandlingMetadata stored in customEventMetaData with hs_ prefixes.Splits metadata into hsFields (staff-visible) and customEventMetaData (backend).

3. Migration Steps


  • Obtain an API Key for Orders API from the Canvas Dashboard (More details here).
  • Review the Orders API documentation.
  • Update your application to accommodate new endpoints and authentication methods.

Step 1: Update Authentication

Replace the x-bluedot-api-key header with the new Authorization header containing the API Key generated in Canvas.

  • Wave API Example:
    "x-bluedot-api-key": "<projectId>"
  • Orders API Example:
    "Authorization": "Bearer <Your_API_Key>"

Step 2: Update Order Registration Payload

Adapt the payload structure to fit the Orders API format, ensuring proper field mapping.

Wave API PayloadOrders API Payload
customEventMetaData stores metadata.Metadata divided into hsFields and customEventMetaData.
eventType used as a field within customEventMetaData.eventType is now a top-level field.
Scheduling handled via hs_scheduledTimeForCollection.Scheduling handled via scheduledTimeForCollection.
Partner pickup time handled via hs_partnerPickupTime.Partner pickup time handled via partnerPickupTime and event type partnerOnTheWay

Step 3: Scheduling Orders

In the Wave API, scheduling orders is handled using hs_scheduledTimeForCollection within customEventMetaData. In the Orders API, scheduling is elevated to a dedicated scheduledTimeForCollection field at the root level, simplifying and standardising the process

  • Wave API Scheduling Example:
    "destinationId": "dest-id",
    "customEventMetaData": {
    "hs_Customer Name": "Customer Name",
    "hs_scheduledTimeForCollection": "2023-12-31T12:00:00.000Z",
    "eventType": "registration",
    "hs_orderId": "Order123"
    "eventTime": "2023-12-31T12:00:00.000Z"
  • Orders API Scheduling Example:
    "destinationId": "Store-001",
    "orderId": "12345678",
    "eventType": "registration",
    "scheduledTimeForCollection": "2023-12-31T12:00:00.000Z",
    "customerName": "John Doe",
    "hsFields": {
    "Mobile Number": "0412345678"

Step 4: Update Partner Pickup Time Handling

When handling partner pickup times in the Orders API, the partnerPickupTime field must be set at the root level. Additionally, the eventType must be explicitly set to partnerOnTheWay. If the eventType is omitted or incorrect, the update will fail with an error.

  • Wave API Example:
    "destinationId": "dest-id",
    "userToken": "ab45DE7",
    "customEventMetaData": {
    "hs_Customer Name": "Emma Goldman",
    "hs_partnerPickupTime": "2024-03-04T05:15:00.000Z",
    "eventType": "partnerOnTheWay",
    "hs_orderId": "Order22"
  • Orders API Example:
    "destinationId": "Store-001",
    "orderId": "Order22",
    "eventType": "partnerOnTheWay",
    "partnerPickupTime": "2024-03-04T05:15:00.000Z",
    "customerName": "Emma Goldman",
    "hsFields": {
    "Car Plate": "ABC123"

Step 6: Grouping Orders

In the Wave API, order grouping is achieved using the hs_orderGroupId field within customEventMetaData. Orders are grouped on Hello Screens when at least two orders share the same hs_orderGroupId within the same day. This grouping resets daily, so only orders from the current day are considered.

In the Orders API, grouping is managed using the orderGroupId field, now located within hsFields. This improves clarity and aligns with the Orders API’s metadata structure.

  • Wave API Grouping Example:
    "destinationId": "dest-id",
    "userToken": "ab45DE7",
    "customEventMetaData": {
    "hs_Customer Name": "Mark Herrera",
    "hs_orderGroupId": "abc123",
    "eventType": "onTheWay",
    "hs_orderId": "Order 1"
  • Orders API Grouping Example:
    "destinationId": "Store-001",
    "orderId": "Order1",
    "eventType": "onTheWay",
    "customerName": "Mark Herrera",
    "hsFields": {
    "orderGroupId": "abc123"